How to export services and their users into csv

I need to export the services and their ‘run as’ users in a number of servers. This is how I did it.

#Ebin Issac 6/3/2018
#This will read a list of servers from a text file, and extract the services which are not run by localsystem, and save into a csv file. Need to be run from a server with elevated permissions

$ComputerList = Get-Content serverlist.txt
ForEach ($Server In $ComputerList) {
    Write-Host "Processing $($Server) ... " -ForegroundColor White -NoNewline
    Get-wmiobject -computername $Server win32_service | where { $_.startname -notmatch "localsystem"}| select-object pscomputername,Displayname,name,startname | Export-Csv "$Server.csv" -NoTypeInformation 
   # write-host $?
    If ($? -eq 'True') {
			Write-Host "OK." -ForegroundColor Green
     Else {
			Write-Host "Failed." -ForegroundColor Red

You can find the download link here.

So this will take a list of servers, and extract the services, but excludes those run by localsystem, and export into a csv. You can filter that part based on your requirements. The output will look similar to this.
